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There are two ways that you can participate. Please choose from the following options.
Information Box Group
Study Participant Add me to Participant Pool
I am interested in becoming a study participant.
I will complete a brief (1-page) survey where I will provide some information about myself. I understand that my information will be kept confidential. Once my information has been submitted, I understand that I may be selected as a participant in one or more studies at the LIVELab, and I will be contacted if I meet the criteria for such studies.
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I am not interested in becoming a study participant. I will provide my contact information only. I understand that my information will be kept confidential. I understand that I will receive periodic emails from the LIVELab about upcoming events.
Current Studies
Information Box Group
Investigating Group Synchronization, Flow, and Complexity with Group Drumming Tasks View Sample Rhythm and Letter of Information
I’m Cameron Prosic. I am conducting research about how musicians are able to coordinate in groups to play rhythmic music. This experiment is part of my undergraduate thesis at McMaster University’s Dept. of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour in Hamilton, Ontario. I’m working under the supervision of Dr. Laurel Trainor and Dr. Daniel Cameron of McMaster’s Dept. of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour.
I’m inviting you to participate in an experiment that will take approximately 90 mins for which you will receive $30 compensation. The study will take place in the LIVELab at McMaster University.
To be eligible to participate in this study you must be a musician comfortable reading Western musical notation, with either at least 10 years of formal training or currently enrolled in a university Music department.
A sample rhythm has been provided below that reflects the level of difficulty of the rhythms in this experiment.
For the full details of the study, please read the attached Letters of Information.
We would like to thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
If you are interested in participating or if you have any questions, please contact:
Cameron Prosic:
Dr. Daniel Cameron:
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance from the McMaster Research Ethics Board.
Proactive Wellness Learn More
Note: Only McMaster undergraduates are allowed to participate in this study.
To participate, contact
Silent Disco Learn More
Music Listening Study: this study will be conducted in the LIVELab (McMaster main campus). Participants will consent and fill in two short online surveys before being scheduled to come in (~5 minutes). In the LIVELab, they will fill out some questionnaires, listen to music in a group with 3 other participants.
Their motion will be tracked by markers placed on the headphones that each participant wears. The group will play a game for the chance to win some money ($2-11). Following this they will then be asked to complete one last survey (30 minutes).
Fill out this short survey to begin:
Musical Group Experiences Survey Learn More
Are you a musician or singer who loves playing music with others? You’re invited to complete a short online survey about your musical experiences. We are researchers interested in how people interact through music performance, and how people describe their most enjoyable and engaging musical activities.
You’ll first answer questions about the type of music you play, the group context in which you play it, and will then have the opportunity to describe your experiences in your own words, being as detailed as you like. The results from this survey will help us understand the quality of peak experiences in musical groups and how they come about. Feel free to reach out to me ( with any questions. Thank you very much for your time! You can access the survey at the link below:
Study Posters
Past Studies
Information Box Group
Speed Dating Study Learn More
Coupled Sway, Coupled Hearts? The role of body sway and groovy music in romantic attraction.
Music Therapy Research Study Learn More
For inquiries, email
Cross-Frequency and Rhythmic Tapping Study
Cross-frequency coupling explains the preference for simple ratios in the relative phase of bimanual rhythmic tapping.
Virtual Concert Study Learn More
LIVELab alumnus, Dana Swarbrick is conducting her PhD at the University of Oslo. She is currently researching the effects of virtual concerts and is recruiting audience members, musicians, and concert organizations to be involved in her study. By filling a 10-15 min survey, you have the chance to win a $20 gift card.
Upcoming Studies
Tune in for upcoming studies.
Other Studies
Information Box Group
Online Survey Music and COVID-19 More info
The BRAMS Laboratory invites you to answer a short survey aiming to explore the psychological impacts of the pandemic and the role of music on well-being during the COVID-19 crisis.
Since your time is precious, this survey’s duration is approximately 10-15 minutes.
To participate, you must be 14+ years old and understand English or French. You don’t have to be a musician or to have had COVID-19 to participate.
After completing the survey, you will have access to tips for coping with the crisis. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to win a 25$ Amazon gift card.
The aim is to recruit 5 000 participants from all around the world. Do not hesitate to share the survey to your family, friends and coworkers!
We thank you in advance for participating in this short survey. Your participation is extremely important for the success of this study.