October 2014 MIMM Journal Club
Oct 10, 2014
12:00AM to 12:00AM
1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Canada
McMaster University, Psychology Building, Room 204
Our first meeting will be held on Friday, October 10th, 2014 at 12:30pm in Room 204 of the Psychology Building at McMaster University!
For those of you who are new:
For more information on upcoming events visit http://mimm.mcmaster.ca
Practice does not make perfect: No causal effect of music practice on music ability (Mosing et al.,2014)
The relative importance of nature and nurture for various forms of expertise has been intensely debated. Music proficiency is viewed as a general model for expertise, and associations between deliberate practice and music proficiency have been interpreted as supporting the prevailing idea that long-term deliberate practice inevitably results in increased music ability. Here, we examined the associations (rs = .18–.36) between music practice and music ability (rhythm, melody, and pitch discrimination) in 10,500 Swedish twins. We found that music practice was substantially heritable (40%–70%). Associations between music practice and music ability were predominantly genetic, and, contrary to the causal hypothesis, nonshared environmental influences did not contribute. There was no difference in ability within monozygotic twin pairs differing in their amount of practice, so that when genetic predisposition was controlled for, more practice was no longer associated with better music skills. These findings suggest that music practice may not causally influence music ability and that genetic variation among individuals affects both ability and inclination to practice.
Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L8